Leverage generosity, gratitude, and trust to make your organization stronger
"It was a deeply humanizing experience to watch one person after another, many of whom had never met, step up to help meet the need of someone else."
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“Givitas helps build bridges across an organization and makes it easier for both newcomers and senior leaders to ask for and offer help!”
Our solutions foster collaboration, generosity, gratitude, and trust. Connecting online should make us feel better, not worse.
Take Givitas for a test drive and see how it works.
Exchange help, advice, information and knowledge with other generous people.
Be a part of kinder, gentler networking.
The knowledge-sharing platform that drives generosity, gratitude, and trust
Givitas gives employees and customers equal access to the collective intelligence of peers.
Research shows one request in Givitas takes 5 minutes but 安卓手机安装tunsafe
Givitas is a is a new kind of social network that focuses solely on exchanging help, advice, connections, and introductions. Therefore there are no selfies, political rants, anonymity, or snark.
Givitas encourages members to share knowledge and connect. As a result, engagement, loyalty, and connection increase.
Academic institutions are using Givitas’ knowledge-sharing software to:
- Encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration
- Break down silos
- Give everyone equal access to the collective knowledge of leaders and peers.
Givitas connects investors, founders, entrepreneurs, portfolio companies, and business leaders.
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For Thought Leaders, Authors, Podcasters, and Bloggers
Givitas is a kinder, gentler network. We create communities fueled by generosity, trust, gratitude, and empathy.
Members exchange help, advice, introductions. In doing so, they build engagement and loyalty to your brand and content.
- Increase participation
- Boost attendance at events
- Increase subscriptions
- Increase conversion rates
Givitas is a safe place to ask for what you need. It’s filled with generous people who want to help.
- Save you time
- Expand your network
- Introduce you to new and diverse ideas
- Solve your problems.
Three Steps to Harnessing Knowledge Sharing for ROI

Take one of our free quizzes! Assess your leadership style. Find out what kind of giver you are. Understand your company culture.

We have free Givitas communities you can join to see how it works. First, choose the one that’s best for you. Second, make a request, and see what happens!

Learn more about how Givitas can transform your team into a community. Encourage collaboration, knowledge sharing, and generosity!
Givitas' Knoweldge-Sharing Technology Is Based on Groundbreaking Research: Generosity Drives ROI
Our solutions are driven by research from top academics. Our co-founders include top social scientists like Adam Grant, Wayne Baker, and Cheryl Baker.
Therefore, the way we encourage uses to exchange help has individual and group benefits.
Organizational benefits include:
- Improved business results and ROI
- Kinder, more collaborative culture
- Better engagement, loyalty, and trust
Individual benefits include:
- Greater fulfillment, health, and longevity
- Help with questions and challenges
- Improved satisfaction and happiness
- Broader social networks

“The hallmark of any great work culture is that people care as much about each other’s success as their own. Many organizations never reach that level of ‘productive generosity.’ It’s not because people aren’t willing to give. It’s because they’re afraid to ask for help.
Givitas reduces the stigma of asking for help and enables people to give in five minutes a day.”
~Adam Grant, author of Give and Take

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"Givitas can make asking for and getting help from other employees simple–which can make your business a lot more efficient and effective."